Tuesday 16 November 2010

Canon G12

Well here we have a Canon G12, not a lot different from the G11, A nice camera I think if your not looking to go to a SLR side and does have a very good image quality and very easy to change the setting "I.S.O, Shutter speed and etc". I wouldn't say it's compact, it's still a bit big I mean you need more then a pocket for it, probably a little case. Now using the camera for little while here and there it is a pretty good camera for the size and what it is a lot better then most of the cameras I have used in the past.

Here is a image so you get a much better idea of what the camera looks like. To me it's a nice looking camera which I would love to have and get a proper chance to play with it like my 50D but in all honesty I would have to say if I was spending that much money I would either go towards a SLR or  CSC which are much small SLRs (will be covering it in the next few days). To be this camera is a lot of money to pay but like don't get me wrong the camera is worth it but for me I think I'll pass.

Now one of the good things which I liked about this camera was the view finder which actually zoomed in and out when you zoom the lens in which is a great thing to have I mean its better then the one that stays still all the time at least with this one you know what you taking the photo of. Where I work I get a lot of old people in asking for a digital camera with a view finder which is under £150 and it's always the same answer "NO", I mean canon use to do it I think the last one they did with a view finder was the Canon Ixus 95 or something like that but the problem with that camera was that the view finder did not zoom in or out when you zoomed the lens.

Here I got another photo of the camera from the back side so you get a better view, also another thing which I wanted to say was that it has a hot shoe for a external flash which is always handy to have. Now the screen on this camera is pretty good most of the time we get people coming in with broken screen which they have managed to snap off but this seem pretty tough so hopefully it weren't to this camera......
I wanted to show this image to you so you get a better view of the view finder now its not the biggest I mean to other cameras which I have seen in the past with view finders they are most big and easy to look through from. Now I been OK with this view finder but a lot of customers which have looked are this camera said that it's bit on the small side but to be its fine. You can also adjust it to your eye sight so if you wear glasses you can actually use it with out any glasses on, a good thing that a lot of customers like.

This is the last photo which I wanted to show you on this camera so you get idea of the top view. So you can see the mode wheel as well as the I.S.O and exposure wheel. Also one of the things which I nearly forgot to tell you was about the lens, now you can get a external adapter (which isn't cheap) for wide angle, now that just fits on the front of this lens when you take the wheel of, so just to make it clear you can't actually take the lens of or change the lens you can only put a adapter on, I hope this helps guys, if you got any questions please let me know, thanks ........

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