Thursday 2 December 2010

Photo shoot with my Canon EOS 50D

Here are few shots which I took with my Canon 50D...... I had a wireless flash gun setup on all of the shots to make them look a bit more interesting...... a bit better then just normal shots.... This was a idea which I had in my head for a long time but never had a chance to do it until now.....

Now this was setup with the flash on the bottom left hand side of the stairs.... (feel sorry for her, was really cold that day) Now I only had few seconds to set this up as the model wasn't mine and also the fact I was at work doing this on my break.... but over all I think the photo came out really good.....

Also tired the photo in black and white and that even came out really good.... so over all I was happy with the shot..

This was another shot which I took with the flash gun on top of the stairs this time so to get a different effects and see how that turns out.... I mean I don't get a chance to do all of photography shoots but so I had to be really quick with this one but once again I think they came out ok..... I think to me the bit I like the best is the shadows on the background and the bricks..... makes it look a bit different..

Snow Photo with Canon 50D

 Hey guys sorry I haven't been on here for a while got really busy with few things...... Well its been snowing a lot down here and had some time of work so I took some photos of the house near by me out of my bedroom window.....

I know the 50D isn't known for it's low light but to behoesnt this shot was taken at like 1 in the morning and to me that is really good for the this camera as it's built for speed not for low light....  oooooo also it was taken without a tripod which I think is pretty good for me ......... but yeah

Here are some more photos which I took that night.......

Not a great lot .... got too cold so closed the window and came back in...... yeah... Hopefully I'm going to take some more shots in the snow soon when I get use to the snow and cold....

Friday 26 November 2010

Nikon P7000

Ok here is the Nikon P7000 (sorry still trying to get the image uploaded)..... now I haven't really had a chance to play around with the Nikon P7000 as it was only ordered in for the customer and in my luck he liked and brought one so didn't really get a chance to play around with a lot..... but one of the main factors which I liked about the camera which this camera had over the Canon G12 was the fact the view finder was a lot bigger which meant when you went to look out through it.... it felt normal where as in the G12 it was pretty small so was kinda hard to look through other then that it is a very much alike the G12..... I mean both are great cameras beautiful to use........ anyways like I said I haven't had a chance to play with it so what I have done is ordered one so you should get to see one so and also which upload a video so it be my first ever video..... hehehe takecare...

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Lumix G2

Lumix G2 .............. its a nice camera but for me I have to say don't really stand out for me as much as other camera such as Nex-5 or the NX-5 that's because there isn't actually a lot of size difference between a normal SLR to the Lumix G2. Now most people would think that's stupid to say that yes but if your buying a CSC your mostly getting it because the size difference that it's a lot more smaller and also affordable which to be honest it is affordable.

Here is Image of the Lumix G2 as you can see there isn't a lot of size difference between the SLR and the Lumix G2. Anyways after the problem of the size the camera has a pretty good handling on it...  as well as that the camera is really easy to use, I mean it has the continues shooting mode on the top of the camera so that way you don't actually have to go through the settings to change them, so really quick...... Also you got your Intelligent Auto mode on the top as well which high lights blue if you press it (to turn it on) which means you just leave the camera to do what it needs to do and  it will sort the right mode out for you for the shoot depending on what your trying to shoot.

Now the camera is not back at the cost it comes at and to be honest it's pretty cheap if you were going to buy a camera buy canon or Nikon your pretty much will be paying twice as much in my words. But everyone is different and also talking about that we did hear that Nikon might be realising one to and originally it was by Christmas this year and now the rep said it might be early next year but no one knows really when it's coming out, also the Nikon rep did not give a lot of info away so not much to say....... but on the other hand canon has also said that they bring one out to but once again no one knows when and it's a bit of a shame because after Christmas I don't think the sales will go as well as canon and Nikon will think cause now days we are selling a lot of Nex-5 and NX-10 / 5 and canon and Nikon need to catch up..

Monday 22 November 2010

Samsung NX5

Samsung NX5 ......... what a camera for the price... Now if your looking to go into SLR photography and can't afford £600 worth of gear then you have to check this out.... now in our shop it's for £350 or so..... Now it does pretty much everything a SLR will do and one of the main difference is that there is no mirror between the lens and the sensor so which mostly means you a Sh.t little LCD in the view finder to look through.

Apart from that the camera is pretty much a SLR..... now I have heard that from a lot of reps saying that hong kong has actually started to sell more of these (CSC's) then SLR's because a lot more people can afford them and you get more for your money then you would if you went for a SLR, which is true but being a SLR user.... I gotta say I would still rather have my SLR, I like the built quality of the SLR cameras.

Now I'm not saying that the built quality of this camera is rubbish or any of the CSC's in fact there are actually really good but they just don't feel right in my hand.... but at the end of the day that's my choose..... everyone is different.......

Now once again... I'm still not well yet so I'm trying to keep up with my blog as much as I can....

Sunday 21 November 2010

Samsung NX10

Samsung NX10 wooowwwwww what a beautiful camera I mean Samsung and this camera wooowwwow........  sorry but I never throughout that Samsung would ever bring out a camera like this..... I mean I had nikon or canon or even sony but not Samsung I mean it is just beautiful the camera is so great in low light not just that its really good with its burst mode and the height and the size this camera is great.... you guys must be thinking what the bloody hell is he on about well heres the thing....... I love cameras which are small and fast and give a great image quality and to me this camera does.... I mean for the price of the camera and what you getting for it..... its just to good....... I will say this if you are looking for a camera that is fast as well as that really good in low light and you want it to be a SLR type then you have to look in to this even if you aint buying just have a look at this camera...... sorry I can't upload the image yet cause I lost the memory card I had the images on and I don't have the camera in store yet so wait for a couple of days and I'll up load one.... oh yeah one thing which I nearly forgot and that is the fast burst mode only works for a second or so so don't think it be like shooting at 12 frames a second continuously cause it weren't its just for a second or so....

Saturday 20 November 2010

Sony Nex 5

Sorry a bit busy, trying to upload images and info for both camera, should be up and running by lunch time 2mos, sorry

Friday 19 November 2010

Nikon D3100

Nikon D3100 a beautiful camera, believe it or not but its a very light camera...... First time I tired it couple of days ago and have to say I love the features on and the low as well as the price of it. Now compared to the D90 its more for less, but having used the D90 I have to say the grip is a lot better on the D90. Now I don't know why but some of the magazines have compare the Canon 60D with the Nikon D3100, to me it should of been the D7000. but oh well.

Anyways I was in a bit of rush while doing this so my post weren't be as long as the others (been ill and as well been working too much lately so don't get a lot of time to do these) but what I have done is wrote down some of the features this camera has so if you are looking for one at least you know....

  DX-format, 14.2 effective megapixel 
CMOS image sensor 
  EXPEED 2-Nikon’s new image 
processing engine 
  ISO sensitivity 100-3200 (expandable 
to ISO 12800 equivalent) 
  Guide Mode 
  D-Movie-Full HD 1080p movie 
  7.5-cm (3-in.) monitor and 
Live View shooting 

I'll get some photos on for you so you get to see what it looks like.......

Thursday 18 November 2010

Canon 300 HS

THE Canon 300HS... the beast in low light, this is probably the best camera in low light on the compact side, not just that it kicks my canon 50d butt and also my managers D300 (not the D300s). I have to say this camera is a pretty dam good camera when it comes to low light. Even though this camera has been design to perform really well in low light it also has other features which makes the camera really stand out from others. First of all the price..... it's not bad now but when it was first out it cost around £350 or so.

Now one of the other reasons why this camera has stood out to me is of the fish eye feature.... now you might think fish eye feature " what the hell is he on about" but after using a DSLR for a few years trust its a lot of money to get one so to have one built into a camera its pretty good.

Also one of the other things which I wanted to mention about this camera or to say it right a feature of the camera and that is the burst mode at 8.4 per second but it takes it at 2.5 mps. It is pretty good if you going to use it for sports or something down that line...

Ok one of the other which I need to mention which I get asked by alot of people at work... what colours do day come in well... As far as I now in UK there is only the white colour camera and the black colour camera..... but other places theres also a red (don't like the look of it though)..... I'm still getting alot of information on it as I've only got a chance to order in today but as soon as I get some photos and a video hope fully....

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Samsung W8200

Well here we have a Samsung W8200, now I'll be honest with you and I don't know a lot about this camera. I mean we had it in our store for a while now but I haven't really had a chance and also it doesn't stand out to me a lot, well the first time I saw it to me it looked silly cause with the battery power and the memory status things. I mean it looked silly to me cause it looked a bit like a car speed things they have (a bad boy style) so it kinda put me off from using it.

But that's my point of view where as others have said it's a nice looking camera and it seems tough, one thing I have to say that it is a good built camera it does feel really tough and everything, I did have the Samsung rep did come in and talk to me about it but I was so tired and kept on saying yes but didn't take anything in from the camera. Now one feature which I did manage to take in was the video mode, Now I don't know how many but it allows you to take different frame speed per second what I mean by that to better explain is that, after you have recorded you can play back in a slow speed so something like 12 second of recording will turn to 2 minutes of play back, so everything is in slow monition, it's pretty good, but now the down side, it weren't recorded in sound which to me is kinda off putting. But normal recording it's fine.
Ok this is the back of the camera as you can see, Now mostly the new cameras by Samsung have really good screens but this one it's something else, even it's still the Amoled Screen but it seems to be a lot better, I mean we went out side in the sun light to take a photo and had no problems with it at all, worked fine and everything for me, but for some customers it's still a issues. Also another thing to mention it has wheel on the right hand side which can be used to change aperture and shutter speed (as the Samsung rep showed).

For me the problem was we had the camera in store for a while and I didn't like the look of it so didn't bother to test it or use it and the day I wanted to use it was the day we had none in stock so I had to take photos of the one the Samsung rep had.
Ok I wanted to finish of by show you the last photo from view above, from the right you have mode wheel, the zoom in button and the shutter button, next to that you have the power button and the battery power status and memory status. After using the camera for half an hour or so I have to say this camera still don't really stand out to me but once again that's my point of view, I'm not saying this camera is rubbish or anything like that but for me I don't think I'll buy this camera for £299, to much to pay for something like that, I hope this has given you a lot better idea guys and if you got any questions please let me know, thank you.......

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Canon G12

Well here we have a Canon G12, not a lot different from the G11, A nice camera I think if your not looking to go to a SLR side and does have a very good image quality and very easy to change the setting "I.S.O, Shutter speed and etc". I wouldn't say it's compact, it's still a bit big I mean you need more then a pocket for it, probably a little case. Now using the camera for little while here and there it is a pretty good camera for the size and what it is a lot better then most of the cameras I have used in the past.

Here is a image so you get a much better idea of what the camera looks like. To me it's a nice looking camera which I would love to have and get a proper chance to play with it like my 50D but in all honesty I would have to say if I was spending that much money I would either go towards a SLR or  CSC which are much small SLRs (will be covering it in the next few days). To be this camera is a lot of money to pay but like don't get me wrong the camera is worth it but for me I think I'll pass.

Now one of the good things which I liked about this camera was the view finder which actually zoomed in and out when you zoom the lens in which is a great thing to have I mean its better then the one that stays still all the time at least with this one you know what you taking the photo of. Where I work I get a lot of old people in asking for a digital camera with a view finder which is under £150 and it's always the same answer "NO", I mean canon use to do it I think the last one they did with a view finder was the Canon Ixus 95 or something like that but the problem with that camera was that the view finder did not zoom in or out when you zoomed the lens.

Here I got another photo of the camera from the back side so you get a better view, also another thing which I wanted to say was that it has a hot shoe for a external flash which is always handy to have. Now the screen on this camera is pretty good most of the time we get people coming in with broken screen which they have managed to snap off but this seem pretty tough so hopefully it weren't to this camera......
I wanted to show this image to you so you get a better view of the view finder now its not the biggest I mean to other cameras which I have seen in the past with view finders they are most big and easy to look through from. Now I been OK with this view finder but a lot of customers which have looked are this camera said that it's bit on the small side but to be its fine. You can also adjust it to your eye sight so if you wear glasses you can actually use it with out any glasses on, a good thing that a lot of customers like.

This is the last photo which I wanted to show you on this camera so you get idea of the top view. So you can see the mode wheel as well as the I.S.O and exposure wheel. Also one of the things which I nearly forgot to tell you was about the lens, now you can get a external adapter (which isn't cheap) for wide angle, now that just fits on the front of this lens when you take the wheel of, so just to make it clear you can't actually take the lens of or change the lens you can only put a adapter on, I hope this helps guys, if you got any questions please let me know, thanks ........

Monday 15 November 2010

Sony Alpha a55

Well where can I start..... this camera is like a speeding bullet. I wasted £700 get a camera without a lens so I can shoot 6 frames per second and then you had this buddy which kicked my cameras butt.... I mean Sony has made something out standing under £700 (with VAT back), It does 10 frames per second and also the HD video with this new tracking thing..( ill get the name soon..sorry) which tracks people when your recording, I mean like fast moving objects. Easy way to put very fast at tracking things.

Also if your the lucky person who has picked up the latest one then you should have the 3D video and 3D image and if you wasn't don't worry you can get the firmware download from the Sony site and if you can't find it let me know and I'll get you the Link. Now the 3D movie.. I spoke to the Sony rep and asked him how you can replay it after you've recorded it now he said that if you have a Panasonic 3D TV or the Sony 3D TV you should be able to play back with out the glasses ...(not a rich person so haven't had a chance to try it out) but I will get back to you on that one. Anyways the camera it self is for what it does is small.. I mean if you compare this camera to a Canon or a Nikon (Nikon don't do one more then 8 frames per second) its small but the handling of the camera is good, its easy to hold and get a grip of better then the Alpha 500 (don't like the design of it).

Here you go another photo of the Alpha a55 from the back. By the way nearly forgot the Sony's panoramic mode, now the older models I mean the onces on the compare cameras their panoramic mode used a cheap video mode which then convert into a still which meant the quality of the image wasn't as good but on this model it has the same style which means that you still sweeping the camera but you can hear the camera actually take photos, so which means that the photo is alot higher quality then the older once.

Ok one last and main thing to cover in this camera is how can it be so fast..... Now couple of years ago or more or less what ever way Canon came up with a mirror design called translucent-mirror which meant the mirror never moves it stays the way it is but it lets light through but if you look through the view finder you could still see out side of the lens. Which meant their cameras became alot faster at take photos because of the mirror never moved (great idea but for some reason they don't use it now). Now Sony has done the same thing in this camera which allows it to take 10 frames per second. When I spoke to the Sony rep and asked if it makes the image darker or harder to take a image or anything like that and he said it doesn't cause what Sony has done it's they made the senor more sensitive which means it balance everything out...... I hope that helps if you got any questions let me know please...

 Here's another image just to give you a idea of how different it is from the Alpha 500. I mean don't get me wrong Alpha 500 is a very good camera in its time and was a fast camera (5 frames per second) but it was a ugly looking camera, it had so many buttons on the top that it looked more like a keyboard then a camera but I mean it depends on everything. But anyways guys I hope I have given you a better idea on how the camera looks if you need more photos or something let me know I will get you a photo of the inside of the camera so you'll get to see the mirror but been really busy so haven't had alot of time. 

Sunday 14 November 2010

Nikon D7000

D7000...... been waiting ages for this camera to come our head office didn't send us any, I have to say the camera is very nice to handle and as always the grip is really good, but after all that have to say the camera is very square. (looks a bit odd)

 I my self being a canon user wanted to compare the 60D with the D7000 and I have to say that the D7000 seem to me as a better in looks aswell as feel.
 After having the camera in the store for a few days I still haven't had a chance to use it so hopefully soon I'll upload some more photos so you get a better idea of the camera and what it can do.

Anyways, after speaking to some of the guys who work me with and are a bit more nikon fan then I am, their views were that the camera was really good or even outstanding in low light and it felt a lot more professional then D5000 or the D3100 which is great news for people who are upgrading from a D5000 or D3000, what I mean about that they have put alot more professional things to it. have a look...
Here is the big turn on for me the to SD slot. Have to say puting two SD slots is a really good idea I mean like if your doing wedding photography you know you have lot more memory left before having to put another card in, but once again to be honest it depends on everyone different, my manager who has been using Nikons for half of his life thinks its nothing new but instead likes the mode button which they have put on the camera....... have a look..

Here you go...... I mean its a nice little
thing to have but once its not something I would go crazy about, I mean I spoke to some customers and told them about it and they loved it and others couldn't care less. But as a over all I have to say its a very beautiful camera good to handle, a good grip like always and more great ideas have been added in but one of things which I would of liked to see on the D7000 was the screen they had on the D5000 but oh well can't have everything in life....  But anways I'll update this a bit more when I get a chance to play with it and get some sample images. takecare .....

Saturday 13 November 2010

Panasonic Lumix DMC - LX5

Panasonic LX5 ..... A outstanding camera to the size it comes at and with the features in side the camera. Have to say just a little while go I was playing around with it and taking shoots and have to say they came out pretty good. The camera it self is really small pretty much the same size as most compact cameras. Have a look....

I have to say Panasonic mostly make tough cameras and mostly the quality of the images are always good but this is somthing else the images which I have taken with LX5 is really sharp, I mean the len is a F2 it really throws the background out even more then the Samsung EX1 and the sharpness on some of the photos is really good even being a CCD Sensor. The sensor it self is discribed as 1/1.63 - type High Sensitivity CCD Sensor.

I also tested the HD movie which was really good but because of the size of the camera being so small I got to say that it has it's shaky moments but other then that the camera is really good. One of the other things which stood out to me on this camera which I have on my Canon 50D is custom buttons "C1 ,C2", which come really handy to me when I'm do indoor and outdoor photography on da same day so I don't have stand around changing functions and settings. Which Panasonic has also put on to their LX5 which I would say is a great selling point not just makes the camera much more easier to use.

This is the photo which I have taken of Lumix LX-5, to me the details in the shoot are really good and as you can see that with the F2 lens it really does throw the background out which for me and most people is really great. I hope this has given you a better idea of the camera...

Friday 12 November 2010

Samsung EX1 : Engineered for the pros.

After hearing a lot of good things about this camera and the Samsung rep going on about it I decided to order one in for my self. I have to say being a canon user my self and having heard a lot of bad things about samsung I wasn't expecting a lot from the EX1. But after using it for few hours and checking out the settings and what it can do I have to say Samsung has shocked me once again with their camera.

The Built quality of the camera is outstanding it feels as good as my 50d or even better and the sharpness in the photo is amazing. Samsung has improved a lot on their camera design such as the nx5 and also nx10. One of the bad points which I found in the camera as well as few other people was the manual forcing wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be.

Looking through the booklet the Samsung rep sent me and reading about all the features that the camera can do I have to say for the price which the camera is at now it is a really good buy. I my self wanted a camera which was as good or better then my 50d which I could carry around with me wherever I go and that's what this camera does for me.

One of the main features in the EX1 is the KREUZNACH F1.8 lens which is known to be the brightest lens in compact cameras and also the high sensitivity 1/1.7" CCD sensor which is Samsungs biggest senors after the APS-C sensor which is in their high end cameras such as the NX5 and NX10. Also they have included their AMOLED display as well as that the smart rang control. To me this camera has a lot of cool features which are very useful in low light as well as ISO of 3,400 thanks to their 1/1.7" CCD sensor. But after all I have to say that I really liked the fact that the camera can let me do RAW file format which is something I like doing when I'm out taking photos but which meant for me some time ago I had to take my 50D which I don't now.

This is one of the photos which I have taken of the EX1. For me I think this camera really stands out. Its one of the best built cameras I have ever held. I hope this gives you a lot better idea of the camera...

This is one of the photos which I have taken by the Samsung EX1 on Macro mode just to give all of you guys a better idea of the quality of the photos which the camera takes. To me the camera has shown a lot of details and sharpness in the photo. I'm so glad to have used this camera and its blown away by Samsung, I will also be talking about the Samsung Nx 5 and Nx 10.